Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science


Upcoming Events

CDJ Lunch and Learn: Fidos for Freedom

March 25th, 2025
12:00-1:00pm EST

Bring a lunch and join us in room 219 of the Allied Health Research Building to hear from Diane Bernier, the Executive Director of Fidos for Freedom! Fidos for Freedom has a mission to enhance the quality of life for people in the Washington-Baltimore Metropolitan community by providing specially trained hearing dogs, service dogs, combat-related PTSD dogs, and therapy dogs. Join us to hear about the role of service dogs in supporting individuals, the legal landscape around service dogs, and opportunities to volunteer with service dogs in training.

Please register to attend this free, in-person event. All dogs in attendance will be leashed with a trained handler.

Past Events

CDJ Lunch and Learn: Abilities Dance Boston

Thank you to everyone who joined us on February 18th to hear from Ellice Patterson, the Founder of Abilities Dance Boston. Ellice founded Abilities Dance Boston in 2017 in response to the lack of professional opportunities she encountered in the greater Boston area for dancers with disabilities. Today she serves as both the Artistic and Executive Director for the organization. In her Lunch and Learn Ellice engaged in a dialogue with attendees about disability justice, cultural competency, the role of Physical Therapists in supporting participation in valued life activities.

2025 Diversity Dinner and Celebration: Shaping Inclusive Excellence in Medicine

Members from the Center for Disability Justice team attended the UMB Diversity Dinner and Celebration, a prestigious event dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the rich tapestry of diversity within the University of Maryland School of Medicine. This event reaffirmed our team’s commitment to ensuring that everyone has equal access to their communities without limitations. It was great to have our research team and community partners together including (from left to right) Jasmine K. Cooper, PhD, Lindsey Mathis, PT, Lily Robin Stevens, MPH, Morgan Fique, BS, Joseph Holmes, PT, DPT, and Jason R. Falvey, PT, DPT, PhD.

January 2025 Community Advisory Board (CAB) Meeting

On January 29th the Center for Disability Justice team, including the Core leads, affiliated trainees and staff, met with the CAB to discuss the Center promotional materials, the community mobility research, CAB member advocacy efforts, and training opportunities.

As a result of this meeting important changes have been made to the Community Mobility Intervention Screener and a list of training topics for CAB members has been generated.

Community Health Fair: Fall Risk Screening

The Center for Disability Justice team members Jason Falvey, PT, DPT, PhD, and Lindsey Mathis, PT, DPT, along with four second-year DPT students conducted fall risk screenings at the PATIENTS Day Community Health Fair. These screenings assessed balance, gait speed and lower extremity strength. After each screening community members were given guidance on mobility device use and sent home with information sheets on fall prevention strategies.


PATIENTS Day, the pinnacle event of the PATIENTS Program at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, invited researchers to present their work to community members, students, and staff. The Center for Disability Justice Team including Jason Falvey, Lindsey Mathis, Morgan Fique,  and Joe Holmes presented a research proposal for a pilot trial about community mobility. Community members shared feedback on beneficial strategies for helping individuals reintegrate in their communities following an injury. This feedback has since been incorporated into the intervention protocol.

West Baltimore Community Champions Meeting

The ENRICH study team, including Jason Falvey, Lindsey Mathis, Morgan Fique, and Joe Holmes met with Mr. Calvin Booth, a community champion, to discuss proposed research. Mr. Booth has personal experience of recovering from lower limb injuries, is actively involved in his community, and has expertise as a peer mentor.  As a result of this meeting Mr. Booth joined the ENRICH study team as a patient representative and Community Champion.

November 2024 Community Advisory Board (CAB) Meeting

The Center for Disability Justice team held their inaugural CAB meeting on November 4th, 2024. At the hybrid meeting members joined to get to know each other, revise the mission for the Center, and provide feedback on proposed research for the ENRICH lab. A total of 15 people were at the meeting representing researchers, staff, people living with disabilities, community champions, advocates, physical therapists, home modification specialists, and more.

November 2024 Community Advisory Board (CAB) Meeting