What is the size of the DPT class?
The size of a typical entering DPT class is 71.
How long is the DPT program?
Students complete the DPT program in two years, 7 months.
What is the graduation rate and pass rate on the national licensing exam?
Visit our DPT Program Graduate Outcomes page to learn more.
Application Process
How many applications does the University of Maryland, Baltimore DPT program receive?
Each year the application number varies. Please keep in mind we have 71 spots in each new first year class and the applicant pool is highly competitive.
How do I obtain an application?
The Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science participates in Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS). Students seeking admission to the DPT program must apply via this service at Once PTCAS has received all required materials for your application, they will verify your application and send it to the schools for which you have indicated an interest.
What is the completion deadline?
The application deadline is November 1st. We strongly encourage you to apply early in order to give ample time for PTCAS to verify your application.
If I request one, will I be granted an extension of the November 1st PTCAS application deadline?
An extension of the November 1st deadline WILL NOT be granted under any circumstances.
Where can I obtain the In-state Classification Form?
If you want to be considered for in-state residency you must complete the In-State Classification form. Please visit to learn about the process. Please read through the instructions carefully. The form should be sent to the Office of the Registrar. You will find the address once you click on the link. **The completion of your In-State Classification form DOES NOT affect the status of your application.**
How will I know if my application is complete with PTCAS?
You will be able to check the status of your application using the login you created for your application. Once your application is deemed complete, PTCAS will begin the verification process. Once your application is verified, we will begin the review process.
We are not able to review any applications that are not verified with PTCAS, no exceptions.
If I have questions about the application process what should I do?
Contact PTCAS regarding any questions about the application process. If you have program specific questions in relation to the application process, please feel free to email
Do all the prerequisite courses need to be completed before applying?
No. Applicants can submit an application including in-progress courses and still be considered for the current admission cycle.
However, all prerequisite courses must be completed prior to entering the program.
Do prerequisite courses have an expiration date?
Yes. All letter-graded prerequisite coursework must have been completed within the last 5 years. Grades of C- (C minus) and below cannot be used to satisfy the requirements for admission. Repeated courses are averaged together.
Credit hours must have been earned in colleges or universities whose names appear on the current list of Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education as compiled by the American Council on Education, One Dupont Circle NW, Washington, DC 20036. Students who have completed coursework in Maryland may review transfer courses at ARTSYS – Articulation System for Maryland Colleges and Universities. This is an online evaluation system that enables students to determine how courses taken at any two year college in Maryland transfer to any four year college or university in Maryland.
What are the requirements for observation hours?
Observation hours must be supervised by a physical therapist licensed in the US and must have been completed within the prior two years of the application submission. It is recommended for applicants to complete at least half of the required hours prior to submitting their application for admission. Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete observation of physical therapy practice in at least two to three different clinical settings (acute care, inpatient rehabilitation and/or outpatient practice) and with different patient populations (i.e. across the lifespan, varied clinical condition) to ensure exposure to a broad scope of physical therapy practice.
Is community service or are volunteer hours required?
No. It is recommended that applicants demonstrate on-going volunteer/non-paid service. Experiences should be different than the physical therapy observational hours. Community service can include participation in groups/organizations that provide service to the community at the national, regional, state, or local level.
What are the requirements for CPR certification?
CPR certification must include infant, child and adult resuscitation. Courses delivered solely via a web-based format are not acceptable. Hybrid format courses are acceptable: on-line instruction and in-person skills practice and testing. Students are required to provide documentation of their current CPR certification.
Counseling/Advising Services
Will the Office of Student Services provide services to me if I am a prospective applicant? If I am a non-traditional applicant? If I am an unsuccessful applicant?
Yes, preferably by appointment. Please be advised that regardless of your particular situation we cannot tell you if you are a competitive applicant or if you are likely to be accepted into the program. Only the Admissions Committee can make that determination when they review your completed application.
Can I visit the school or speak with a staff member?
Yes, however, we urge you to visit during a scheduled Open House if your schedule allows. We are available to speak with you over the telephone, email or in person. We prefer an appointment is set up in advance to be sure to give adequate time for your visit. We also provide an introductory Virtual Tour video in our About Us section.
How do I strengthen my application?
If you have questions about strengthening your application, we urge strongly to contact us prior to applying. Although we are more than happy to answer any questions and make recommendations, we are not able to guarantee you will receive a positive decision should you reapply.
The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine is accredited by the CAPTE.
Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)
3030 Potomac Ave, Suite 100
Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085
Tel: 703-706-3245