Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science
  • Doctor of PT students in classroom
  • Doctor of PT students
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

The Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science participates in the  Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS). Students seeking admission to the DPT program must apply via

The deadline for review of all completed applications is November 1st. We are unable to review incomplete applications or applications that have not been verified with PTCAS. All applications must be submitted by November 1st. 

The Admissions committee will make one of three decisions for each applicant: 1) acceptance; 2) placement on the waitlist (after January 15th); or 3) denial. Applicants are notified via email, so please be sure the email you enter in PTCAS is accurate and checked often. 

Applicants are strongly encouraged to APPLY AND SUBMIT ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS WELL IN ADVANCE OF THE NOVEMBER 1st DEADLINE. This will provide sufficient time to review your materials and determine your eligibility for the required group interview.

Prerequisite Courses

Prerequisite Courses

Prospective students may submit an application while enrolled in pre-requisite courses, but all courses must be completed prior to starting the DPT program. Grades of C- (C minus) and below cannot be used to satisfy the requirements for admission. Where possible, we will accept spring and summer 2020 coursework that is graded on a Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis to fulfill a prerequisite course requirement, particularly if the applicant was not given the choice to take the course on this basis. We may, however, require proof from applicants that they were not offered the choice of receiving a letter grade, or that the choice to move to a Pass/Fail grading basis was made prior to seeing the final letter grade in the course.

Credit hours must have been earned in colleges or universities whose names appear on the current list of Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education as compiled by the American Council on Education, One Dupont Circle NW, Washington, DC 20036. Students who have completed coursework in Maryland may review transfer courses at ARTSYS – Articulation System for Maryland Colleges and Universities. This is an online evaluation system that enables students to determine how courses taken at any two-year college in Maryland transfer to any four-year college or university in Maryland. The following courses, or equivalent, are required:

  • Anatomy (or) Anatomy & Physiology I,
    Minimum Credit - 4.00; Lab Component Required
    4-Credit Lecture/Lab (or) 3-Credit Lecture + 1-Credit Lab
    Course content: Must include skeletal and muscular systems of the human body; Must be Human Anatomy; Plant and Animal Anatomy will not be accepted.

  • Physiology (or) Anatomy & Physiology II
    Minimum Credit - 4.00; Lab Component Required
    4-Credit Lecture/Lab (or) 3-Credit Lecture + 1-Credit Lab
    Course content: Must cover various systems including: cardiovascular, endocrine, respiratory, etc.; Exercise Physiology will not be accepted.

  • Biology
    Minimum Credit - 4.00; Lab Component Required
    4-Credit Lecture/Lab (or) 3-Credit Lecture + 1-Credit Lab
    Course content: Any biology course taken in addition to Anatomy and Physiology; Botany and Zoology will not be accepted.

  • Chemistry - Level I
    Minimum Credit - 4.00; Lab Component Required
    4-Credit Lecture/Lab (or) 3-Credit Lecture + 1-Credit Lab
    Course content: Any introductory chemistry course that covers atomic and molecular structure; Acceptable topics include Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, etc.

  • Chemistry - Level II
    Minimum Credit - 4.00; Lab Component Required
    4-Credit Lecture/Lab (or) 3-Credit Lecture + 1-Credit Lab
    Course content: Any advanced chemistry course taken in addition to the course satisfying the Chemistry I prerequisite; Acceptable topics include Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, etc.

  • Physics I
    Minimum Credit - 4.00; Lab Component Required
    4-Credit Lecture/Lab (or) 3-Credit Lecture + 1-Credit
    Lab Course content: Both calculus-based and noncalculus-based courses are acceptable.

  • Physics II
    Minimum Credit - 4.00; Lab Component Required
    4-Credit Lecture/Lab (or) 3-Credit Lecture + 1-Credit Lab
    Course content: Both calculus-based and noncalculus-based courses are acceptable.

  • Psychology
    Minimum Credits: 3.00
    Course content: Abnormal or Developmental Psychology is recommended. Advance Placement Psychology also accepted.

  • Social/Behavioral Science
    Minimum Credits: 3.00
    Course content: Any Sociology, Anthropology, etc., course with a core focus on human behavior from an individual or societal perspective; alternatively, any Psychology course taken in addition to the course satisfying the Psychology prerequisite.

  • Statistics
    Minimum Credits: 3.00
    Course content: Must include mean, median, mode, standard deviation, t-tests, etc.

Advanced Placement (AP) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) credits may be used. AP or CLEP credits must appear in PTCAS. If used to fulfill prerequisite courses, the official scores must be mailed to PTRS.

Application Requirements

A Bachelor’s Degree (or expect to graduate prior to enrollment)

Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree or expect to graduate prior to enrolling in the DPT program. Credit hours must have been earned in colleges or universities whose names appear in the Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs as compiled by the U.S. Department of Education. The bachelor’s degree may be in any field. No preference is given to applicants majoring in the sciences versus those with non-science majors.

Minimum GPA Requirements for Eligibility

  • Program-specific Prerequisite GPA: 3.0 minimum

Graduate Record Examination (GRE)

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

A TOEFL score is required as part of the application process for individuals who do not speak English as their first or native language and/or for individuals who have lived less than five years in the United States. The minimum required TOEFL score for admission into the DPT program is 213 for the computer-based exam and 80 for the internet-based exam.

TOEFL scores are valid for two years.

  • University of Maryland Institution Code: 5848
  • PTRS Department Code: 48

Letters of Recommendation

  • Academic Letter – One letter must be from a professor or instructor who has taught you in a college-level course. This letter should speak to your academic performance, work ethic, and intellectual curiosity.
  • Physical Therapy Professional Letter – One letter must come from a licensed physical therapist who has directly observed or supervised you in a clinical, volunteer, or work setting. This recommendation should highlight your understanding of the profession, interpersonal skills, and readiness for the field.
  • Additional Letter – The third letter can come from any source of your choosing who has served in a supervisory capacity to you. This could be an employer, coach, research supervisor, mentor, or similar role. This recommender should be able to speak to your character, leadership, and personal qualities as well as your ability to be successful in a rigorous academic program.

*The Additional Letter can also be fulfilled by a second Academic Letter or a second PT Professional Letter.
*Letters from friends, family members, or personal acquaintances will not be accepted.

Physical Therapy Observation

A minimum of 50 hours is required at time of matriculation.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to complete observation of physical therapy practice in at least two to three different clinical settings (acute care, inpatient rehabilitation and/or outpatient practice) and with different patient populations (i.e. across the lifespan, varied clinical conditions) to ensure exposure to a broad scope of physical therapy practice.

Current CPR Certification

  • Certifications must be valid on the first day of class and must remain active throughout your enrollment in the DPT program.
  • CPR certification must include infant, child and adult resuscitation.
  • Courses delivered solely via a web-based format are not acceptable.
  • Hybrid format courses are acceptable: on-line instruction and in-person skills practice and testing.
  • Students are required to provide documentation of their current CPR certification.

The following are considered acceptable CPR certification programs:

  • AHA Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers or Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support for Healthcare Providers
    please visit the American Heart Association website for more information


Application Deadlines

When to Apply

The application for the current 2024-2025 admissions cycle is accessible through PTCAS. The deadline to submit your application to be reviewed for admission to the program for May 2025 is November 1st.

Offers of admissions will begin mid-November and continue until the class is full. All applicants will receive a final decision (acceptance, denial or waitlist) by January 15th.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply and submit ALL required documents well in advance of the November 1 deadline.


Decision Appeal Process

Right to Appeal

All applicants have the right to appeal an admissions decision. Your appeal should be in writing and addressed to the following:

University of Maryland School of Medicine
Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science
Attention: Director for Academic Affairs for the Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program
100 Penn Street, Suite 115
Baltimore, MD 21201


The Doctor of Physical Therapy program at the University of Maryland School of Medicine is accredited by the CAPTE.

Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).

3030 Potomac Ave, Suite 100
Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085
Tel: 703-706-3245


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